Institutional Statements & Creating Productive Dialogue

In fall 2024, President Mason will engage the John Jay community on two questions: 1) When do we speak? (When should she make an institutional statement?) and 2) How do we speak? (How do we equip our community for meaningful/productive dialogue on challenging/charged topics?). 

To help her respond to these questions, President Mason is planning a fall 2024 listening tour to solicit feedback on #1 and preview campus-wide work on #2. Stops on the listening tour include regularly scheduled meetings of the Board, PLC, Faculty Senate, College Council, Council of Chairs, Student Council, HEO Council and Town Hall. Additionally, a community open forum will be held on November 14 - an invitation will be sent in early October - and an online feedback form will be shared on this page soon. Please scroll to see the full listening tour schedule.

Background reading includes institutional statement guidelines from Harvard and the University of Chicago as well as John Jay’s Seven Principles for a Culturally Responsive, Inclusive and Anti-Racist Curriculum

President Mason plans to share a follow-up on these conversations during the spring 2025 semester.

Fall 2024 Listening Tour Schedule*

Sept 19, 4-6, John Jay Board
Sept 24, 1:40-2:55, President’s Leadership Council
Sept 25, 10-11, HEO Council
Sept 25, 1:40-2:55, Faculty Senate
Oct 9, 4:30-6, Town Hall, L.61 NB
Oct 15, 1:40-3, College Council
Nov 14, 1:40-3,
Open Forum, L.61 NB
Dec 3, 1:40-2:55, Council of Chairs
TBD, Student Council

*Schedule is subject to change. Please send questions to Kira Poplowski, chief communications officer.