ACE-Eligible Majors

What are the ACE-eligible majors?

In order to participate in John Jay's ACE Program, students must commit to one of the following ACE-eligible majors. Please note that transfer eligibility for certain majors may be impacted if you have not completed prerequisite coursework at your prior community college. ACE transfer students may not double major.

Major First-Time Freshman Student Transfer Student from CUNY
Anthropology (BA) eligible completion of or registered for ANT 101 during first semester at JJAY
Applied Mathematics: Data Science and Cryptography (BS) not eligible not eligible
Cell and Molecular Biology (BS) not eligible not eligible
Computer Science and Information Security (BS) not eligible not eligible
Computer Science Dual Admission Programs (CUNY Justice Academy) not eligible not eligible
Criminal Justice (BA) (Crime Control and Prevention) eligible not eligible
Criminal Justice (BS) (Institutional Theory and Practice) eligible completion of or registered for CJBS 101 during first semester at JJAY
Criminal Justice (BA/MA) not eligible not eligible
Criminal Justice (BS/MA) not eligible not eligible
Criminal Justice Dual Admission Programs (CUNY Justice Academy) not eligible eligible
Criminal Justice Management (BS) eligible must register for the following classes during the first semester at JJAY if not previously completed CJBS 101, CJM 101 & PAD 101
Criminal Justice Management (BS/MA) not eligible not eligible
Criminology (BA) eligible completion of SOC 101 & MAT 108, MAT 141 or STA 250
Deviance, Crime and Culture (BA) eligible eligible
Economics (BS) eligible must register for the following classes during the first semester at JJAY if not previously completed ECO 105 & MAT 108 or higher
Economics (BS) Dual Admission Accelerated Program Leading to MA in Economics not eligible not eligible
Emergency Services Administration (BS) eligible must register for ESA 101, FIS 104 & PAD 101 during first semester at JJAY
English (BA) eligible must register for LIT 260 & 2 additional classes in major during first semester at JJAY
Fire Science (BS) eligible completion of FIS 101 & MAT 105, MAT 108, MAT 141, MAT 241 or higher
Forensic Psychology (BA) eligible completion of STA 250 & PSY 101. Must register for PSY 200 during first semester at JJAY if not already completed
Forensic Psychology (BA/MA) not eligible not eligible
Forensic Psychology (BA) Dual Admission Accelerated Program Leading to the MA in Forensic Mental Health Counseling not eligible not eligible
Forensic Science (BS) not eligible not eligible
Forensic Science Dual Admission Programs (CUNY Justice Academy) not eligible not eligible
Fraud Examination and Financial Forensics (BS) eligible completion of ACC 250 & ACC 307
Fraud Examination and Financial Forensics Dual Admissions Programs (CUNY Justice Academy) eligible completion of ACC 250 & ACC 307
Gender Studies (BA) eligible must register for the following courses during first semester at jjay if not previously completed (GEN 101 & GEN 255)
Global History (BA) eligible must register for any two of the following during first semester at JJAY (HIS 203, 204, 205)
Human Services and Community Justice (BS) eligible must register for the following during first semester at JJAY if not already completed (CHS 150, AFR 140 or 145, MAT 108 or higher & PSY 101, SOC 101 or ANT 101)
Humanities and Justice (BA) eligible Must register for HJS 250 during first semester at JJAY
International Criminal Justice (BA) eligible completion of MAT 108 or MAT 141, ECO 101, SOC 101, POL 101 & must enroll in a foreign language course during first semester at JJAY
International Criminal Justice Dual Accelerated Program (BA/MA) not eligible not eligible
Latin American and Latinx Studies (BA) eligible must register for LLS 124 & LLS 130 during first semester
Law and Society (BA) eligible completion of SOC 101 & POL 101, Must register for LWS 200 during first semester at JJAY
Philosophy (BA) eligible completion of or registered for PHI 105 & PHI 231 during first semester at JJAY
Police Studies (BS) eligible completion of PSC 101 highly recommended
Police Studies/Criminal Justice (BS/MA) not eligible not eligible
Political Science (BA) eligible completion of POL 101
Public Administration (BS) eligible completion of ENG 201 and MAT 108. Must register for PAD 101 during 1st semester at JJAY if not already completed
Public Administration (Inspection and Oversight) (BS/MPA) not eligible not eligible
Public Administration (Public Policy and Administration) (BS/MPA) not eligible not eligible
Security Management (BS) eligible must register for SEC 101 during first semester at JJAY if not already completed
Sociology (BA) eligible completion of SOC 101, STA 250 and 9 major credits
Spanish (BA) eligible completion of SPA 202 or SPA 212
Toxicology (BS) not eligible not eligible

Recruitment Update: ACE is no longer accepting students for 2024-2025. We have reached our enrollment limit for the academic year.

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