College Now Springboard Program

The Springboard Program at John Jay College

The John Jay College Now Springboard Program (Springboard) aims to maximize CN participation by seamlessly transitioning CN students from high school into college, with significant momentum toward success in their first year and beyond.

Offered in collaboration with John Jays Office of Admissions, Springboard enhances our existing academic offerings with both a direct admission incentive and specialized transition programming offered in the spring semester of the student’s senior year. Through participation in Springboard, eligible students can expect to ease their transition to John Jay and fortify their advancement toward graduation.

How it works . . .
College Now students who meet the 6-credit threshold -- to meet the 6-credit threshold, students must accumulate six (6) or more college credits in College Now (at least 3 through John Jay’s CN Program) with a grade of ‘B’ or better - and who submit a CUNY Admission Application will be awarded direct admission into John Jay’s Freshman class upon high school graduation. 

Depending on when a student achieves the 6-credit threshold, they will be accepted and eligible to participate in either the fall or spring semester of their senior year.

Seniors meeting eligibility requirements by the close of the fall semester and who submit a CUNY Admission Application for early admission will receive admission decisions in December/early January.

Seniors meeting eligibility requirements by the close of the spring semester can benefit from the direct admission incentive by submitting a CUNY Application for Admission. For these students, transition program participation will be limited to the college’s Summer Seek Transition Program.

Springboard Transition Programming. . .
Early admitted students will be invited to participate in the Springboard College Transition course offered with our regular College Now program in the spring semester. Here, students will explore college and career pathways and be provided with John Jay campus specifics, including academic expectations, financial aid, campus life, and college resources.

Additionally, Springboard students will be invited to participate in our existing academic offerings .This will allow students to accumulate an addition four (4) college credits prior to matriculation into the college.

Springboard will also be available to non-College Now New York City Public Schools (NYCPS) students who obtain early admission in the fall of their Senior year. CN will work closely with John Jay’s Office of Admissions to identify and invite early admitted students to participate in both the Springboard College Transition course and the regular 3-credit course offering for the spring semester of the student's senior year. 

Are you interested in the John Jay College Now Springboard Program? Please click here to complete the Springboard Intake Sheet.

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Monday to Friday: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM