PhD University of Massachusetts at Amherst
MA University of Massachusetts at Amherst
BA Hamilton College
Amie A. Macdonald is Associate Professor of Philosophy at John Jay College/City University of New York where she teaches courses in political philosophy, multicultural feminism, and the philosophy of justice. Her teaching and research are focused on issues of racial democracy, racial justice and gender equity in education, with a particular focus on urban public higher education and implementing policy changes that increase access to graduate and professional schools for first-generation college students. Professor Macdonald’s courses are student-centered and focused on developing and refining the intellectual skills of writing, thinking, reasoning, and speaking.
Professor Macdonald is a member of the Coordinating Team of the Future of Minority Studies Research Project - a consortium of scholars and academic institutions with a primary interest in minority identity, education, and social transformation
Professor Macdonald is the co-editor (with longtime collaborator Dr. Susan Sánchez-Casal) of two books, 21st Century Feminist Classrooms: Pedagogies of Identity and Difference (NY: Palgrave/MacMillan, 2002) and Identity in Education (NY: Palgrave/MacMillan, 2009). She has published articles, delivered public lectures and conducted faculty development workshops at a range of public and private institutions, all focused on racial and gender justice in higher education.