Catherine P. Mulder (Cathy)
Associate Professor
Phone number
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2006   PhD    University of Massachusetts (Economics)
1994   MA     Temple University
1992   BA      Stockton State College (


Professor Catherine Mulder, an associate professor of economics at John Jay College of Criminal Justice-CUNY, specializes in labor economics and political economy. She has been a worker advocate and labor activist for over 40 years: from being an IBEW shop steward to Co-Speaker of her Graduate Student (employee) union, GEO-UAW, as a paid union representative in Manhattan for the American Federation of Musicians, Local 802, and most recently a member of PSC-CUNY, AFT Local 2334. She has writen or edited three books and a number of articles, on workers, unions, economic democracy, and Marxian Theory. Her books include: Unions and Class Transformation: The Case of the Broadway Musicians and Transceding Capitalism Through Cooperative Practices. Her most recent book is an edited volume entitled the Routledge Handbook of Marxian Economics, which she co-edited with 3 of her peers. She is now under contract for her next book with Anthem Press which will be release in early 2020. Its focus is on three communities that have embraced capitalist alternatives, Emilia Romagna, Italy; Mondragon, Spain; and Jackson, Mississippi. Professor Mulder also published articles about “Wal-Mart’s Role in Capitalism,” using Animated Films to teach economics in "It's the Time of Your life," that the State can be a capitalist employer in "State Capitalism vis-a-vis Private Communism," and a symposium on her first book in Rethinking Marxism. A second symposium on Transcending Capitalism is currently being produced. Professor Mulder has won a number of grants for her research, including two distinctive fellowhsips.  

JJC Affiliations
Economics, Women's Studies, and Labor Studies (SLU)
Courses Taught

ECO 101, ECO 220, ECO 280, ECO 327, ECO 405, PAD 706, SLU 607 



Professional Memberships

Review of Radical Economics (Editorial Board); Left Forum Executive Board; CUNY Faculty Senate; John Jay Faculty Senate; Association for Economic and Social Analysis, immediate past president