Ph.D., University of Delaware (2011, Sociology)
M.A., University of Delaware (2007, Sociology)
B.A., Bloomsburg University (2005, Criminal Justice)
Jamie Longazel is Associate Professor of Law & Society in the Department of Political Science at John Jay College, and is affilitated with the International Migration Studies (IMS) program at the CUNY Graduate Center. He received a PhD in sociology from the University of Delaware in 2011 after completing a Law and Social Science Doctoral Fellowship at the American Bar Foundation. From 2011-2017, he was Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of Dayton.
Longazel's research is rooted in the law and society tradition, exploring issues at the intersection of race, political economy, and law. The bulk of his work has focused on immigration law and politics, although he's also written about mass incarceration and the politics of policing. He's especially interested in how sociopolitical and legal processes - each infused with various forms of power - lead us to collectively overlook and thus enable the violent infliction of pain and death. His current project is a critical social history of the immigrant family detention center in Berks County, Pennsylvania.
Most recently, he co-edited (with Miranda Cady Hallett) Migration and Mortality: Social Death, Dispossession, and Survival in the Americas (Temple University Press, 2021). His previous book, Undocumented Fears: Immigration and the Politics of Divide and Conquer in Hazleton, Pennsylvania (Temple University Press, 2016) won the North Central Sociological Association’s 2017 Scholarly Achievement Award. He is also the co-author (with Benjamin Fleury-Steiner) of The Pains of Mass Imprisonment (2014, Routledge), and has published more than a dozen academic articles in outlets such as Race & Class; Law & Society Review; Law & Social Inquiry; Punishment & Society; and Theoretical Criminology.
As a working class, first-generation scholar from a hardscrabble former coalmining town, he's grown to appreciate the transformative power of teaching, learning, and research. In addition to his primary teaching assignment in John Jay's undergraduate Law & Society major, he's taught in prisons and has led numerous social movement workshops over the years. Longazel is the co-founder of Anthracite Unite, a collective working on racial and economic justice in Northeast Pennsylvania, and is a member of The Social Anatomy of a Deportation Regime research working group and the Social Change and Transgressive Studies Project.
LWS 200: Introduction to Law & Society; LWS 225: Introduction to Research in Law & Society; LWS 385: Supervised Research Experience in Law & Society; POL 344: Immigration Law and Politics; LWS 425: Colloquium for Research in Law & Society; SOC 101: Introduction to Sociology (Otisville Correctional Facility); IMS 702: Migration Policy (CUNY Graduate Center); IMS 711: Research Methods in International Migration (CUNY Graduate Center)
Longazel, Jamie and Miranda Cady Hallett (eds.)(2021). Migration and Mortality: Social Death, Dispossession, and Survival in the Americas. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
Longazel, Jamie (2016). Undocumented Fears: Immigration and the Politics of Divide and Conquer in Hazleton, Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
Fleury-Steiner, Benjamin and Jamie Longazel (2014). The Pains of Mass Imprisonment. New York: Routledge.
Selected Articles and Chapters
Longazel, Jamie (2021). "'Blue Lives Matter' and the Legacy of Blackface Minstrelsy" Race & Class 63(1): 91-106.
Longazel, Jamie (2021). "Angels of Denial: White Injury, Racial Transposition, and the U.S. Politics of Family Separation" Migration Letters 18(5): 563-571.
Longazel, Jamie (2018). "Releiving the Tension: Lay Immigration Lawyering and the Management of Legal Violence" Law & Society Review 52(4): 902-927.
Longazel, Jamie (2018). “Racing the Oven Bird: Criminalization, Rightlessness, and the Politics of Immigration.” Pp. 161-180 in Insiders, Outsiders, Injuries, & Law: Revisiting “The Oven Bird’s Song,” edited by Mary Nell Trautner. New York, NY: Columbia University Press.
Majka, Theo and Jamie Longazel (2017). “Becoming Welcoming: Organizational Collaboration and Immigrant Integration in Dayton, Ohio” Public Integrity 19(2): 151-163.
Longazel, Jamie, Jake Berman, and Benjamin Fleury-Steiner (2016). “The Pains of Immigrant Imprisonment” Sociology Compass 10: 989-998.
Fleury-Steiner, Benjamin, Paul Kaplan, and Jamie Longazel (2015). “Racist Localisms and the Enduring Cultural Life of America’s Death Penalty: Lessons from Maricopa County, Arizona.” Studies in Law, Politics, and Society 66: 63-85.
Longazel, Jamie (2014). “Rhetorical Barriers to Mobilizing for Immigrant Rights: White Innocence and Latina/o Abstraction.” Law & Social Inquiry 39(3): 580-600.
Longazel, Jamie and Benjamin Fleury-Steiner (2013). “Beware of Notarios: Neoliberal Governance of Immigrants as Crime Victims.” Theoretical Criminology 17(3): 359-376.
Longazel, Jamie (2013). “Moral Panic as Racial Degradation Ceremony: Racial Stratification and the Local-Level Backlash against Latino/a Immigrants.” Punishment & Society 15(1): 96-119.
Longazel, Jamie (2013). “Subordinating Myth: Latino/a Immigration, Crime, and Exclusion.” Sociology Compass 7(2): 87-96.
Longazel, Jamie, Laurin S. Parker, and Ivan Y. Sun (2011). “Experiencing Court, Experiencing Race: Perceived Procedural Injustice among Court Users.” Race & Justice 1(2): 202-227.
Longazel, Jamie and Benjamin Fleury-Steiner (2011). “Exploiting Borders: The Political Economy of Local Backlash Against Undocumented Immigrants.” Chicana/o Latina/o Law Review 30:43-64.
Fleury-Steiner, Benjamin and Jamie Longazel (2010). “Neoliberalism, Community Development, and Anti-Immigrant Backlash in Hazleton, Pennsylvania.” Pp. 157-172 in Taking Local Control: Immigration Policy Activism in U.S. Cities and States, edited by Monica Varsanyi. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.