Phone number

Long Island University— Ph.D., Clinical Psychology (2000)

University of Toronto—  B.A., With Honors (1992)

American Council on Exercise— Health Coach (2013)    


Dr. Jessica Arenella received her doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Long Island University (Brooklyn Campus) in 2000. She specializes in working with clients with extreme and unusual experiences (commonly referred to as psychosis, schizophrenia or severe mental illness) across a variety of settings. Dr. Arenella is the Chief Psychologist at St. Barnabas Health System in the Bronx where she trains a large externship program.

Courses Taught

PSY 758 (current)

PSY 760, PSY 761

Professional Memberships

International Society for Psychological and Social Approaches to Psychosis, US Chapter (ISPS-US) Lifetime member

New York State Psychological Association

Scholarly Work


Arenella, J. (2019). Disordered eating and disordered thinking in women: A continuum of objectification in anorexia and psychosis. In M. Charles & Marie Brown (eds.) Women and Psychosis: Multidisciplinary Perspectives. Lexington Books. 

Arenella, J. (2015) Challenges for the recovery movement in the US: Will its light reach the darkest corners? Clinical Psychology Forum 268, Special Issue:“Recovery”?: 7-9.

Arenella, J. (2012). Just accept it: The voices are real. Behavioral Healthcare: The Business of Treatment and Recovery 32 (6): 20-23.

Arenella, J. &   Ornduff, S. (2000). Manifestations of bodily concern in sexually abused girls.   Bulletin of the Menniger Clinic 64 (2), 530-542.


Arenella , J., Tappen, R. and Halliburton, M. (2024). Psychiatry and the Tower of Babel. Panel presentation at the ISPS 23nd Annual Conference, Espoo, Finland.

Arenella , J. (2022). De-contextualization, displacement, and psychiatric diagnosis: Antisocial and psychotic behavior in an inner-city emergency department in the USA. Paper presentation at the ISPS 22nd Annual Conference, Perugia, Italy.

Arenella , J. (2017). A voice for psychosis: ISPS-US searches for meaning in the incomprehensible. Panel presentation at the Association for the Psychoanalysis of Culture and Society Annual Conference, New Brunswick, NJ.

Arenella, J. & Temmens, T. (2017). The influencing machine is real: How do technological advances in the Information Era affect clinical understanding of experiences commonly labeled as psychotic? Presentation at the International Society for Psychological and Social Approaches to Psychosis (ISPS) 20th Annual Conference, Liverpool, England.

Arenella, J. (2015). The Patient as Psychic to her Therapist: Vulnerability, Dissociation and Ghosts from the Nursery. Paper presentation at the International Forum for Psychoanalytic Education 26th Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA.

Arenella, J & Floyd, B.A. (2013). Making sense of voices using the Hearing Voices Network (HVN) Approach. Invited speaker for the Mental Health Association of Westchester 33rd Annual Conference, Tarrytown, NY.

Arenella, J., Tappen, R. & Indelicato, H. (2011). Doing the work: Practical guide for students and early career professionals working with severe psychiatric illness. Panel presentation at ISPS-US Twelfth Annual Meeting 

Arenella, J. (Chair), Greenberg, J., Maher, A.L., Payne, M.L. & Stark, D. (2010) Stigma: Roundtable Discussion. ISPS-US Eleventh Annual Meeting Panel on Stigma.

Arenella, J. (2010). Life on the margins: Terrorism and the chronically terrorized. Paper presentation on Being a Therapist in the Post-9/11 World panel at the New Directions Program in Psychoanalysis: Writing and Critical Thinking from a Psychoanalytic Perspective (Washington Center for Psychoanalysis).

Arenella, J. (2006). Severe psychiatric illness in the private practice setting: Notes from newcomers. Paper presentation at the ISPS 20th Annual Conference, Madrid, Spain.

Arenella, J. (2006). A Comparative case study of chronic psychosis, transient psychosis, and neurosis in three female clients with histories of severe trauma. Paper presentation at the ISPS 20th Annual Conference, Madrid, Spain.

Arenella, J. (2000). Manifestations of bodily concern in sexually abused girls.  Paper presentation at the 2000 Society for Personality Assessment conference, Albuquerque, NM.


Honors and Awards

(2019) Christian Müller Award: For Dedication to ISPS-US and Psychosocial Approaches to Psychosis