Jill A.
Phone number
(212) 237-8404
Room number
422-09 Haaren Hall

Doctor of  Philosophy, John Jay College of Criminal Justice (In progress, Criminal Justice)

M.A., John Jay College of Criminal Justice (2019, Criminal Justice/Police Administration)

Advanced Certificate, John Jay College of Criminal Justice (2019, Crime Prevention and Analysis)


Jill Paccione-Frometa is a doctoral student and undergraduate lecturer in the department of Law, Police Science, and Criminal Justice Administration. She was previously employed as a research scientist at New York University and the New York City Police Department, among other roles in New York City’s criminal justice system, and is a New York State certified Crime Analyst. Jill was nominated for John Jay's Distinguished Teaching Prize for the 2020-21, 2021-22, and 2022-23 academic years; and in October 2021 was awarded funding for a short exploratory study on vaccine hesitancy and police attitudes toward the COVID-19 vaccine. Her research interests include evidence-based policing, policy evaluation, and law enforcement culture. 

JJC Affiliations
Criminal Justice, Bachelor of Science; Police Science, Bachelor of Science; Criminal Justice, Doctor of Philosophy
Courses Taught

CJBS 250 - Research Methods/Statistics in Criminal Justice

CJBS 300 - Theory in Practice

CJBS 415 - Capstone Seminar for Criminal Justice BS

COR 101 - Introduction to Corrections

PSC 107 - Introduction to Criminal Investigations

PSC 201 - Police Organization and Administration 

PSC 202 - Police and Diversity

PSC 260 - Evidence-Based and Problem-Oriented Policing

PSC 300 - Police Management and Administration in the United States