Ph.D. The Graduate Center, CUNY
Critical Social Psychology, June 2016
Certificate The New School
Documentary Media Studies, May 2012
B.A. Kalamazoo College
Psychology, June 2006
Religion, June 2006
Dr. Steph M. Anderson is a recent graduate of the Critical Social / Personality Psychology program at the Graduate Center, City University of New York (CUNY). She is currently a Post-Doctoral Social Science Fellow with the Public Science Project of The Graduate Center, CUNY. She currently teaches classes in Gender Studies and Psychology at John Jay College as well as in Psychology at Barnard College, Columbia University.
Broadly speaking, Dr. Anderson’s research examines how racialized gender norms are enforced, negotiated and resisted on the individual, interpersonal and structural level. An interdisciplinary blend of queer and social psychology theory, her dissertation research work utilized quantitative and qualitative methods to explore the role of perceived gender expression – how one “does” gender – and race in exposure to and subjective interpretation of antigay discrimination. This work has shown how embodied adherence to or deviation from gender norms affects the frequency, nature, and subjective experience of discriminatory encounters among LGBTQ individuals and foregrounds the inherently gendered nature of sexual prejudice and discrimination.