Yael C.B.
Room number
Ph.D., York University (Socio-Legal Studies)
JJC Affiliations
Law & Society
Courses Taught
Current courses
Introduction to Law & Society
Introduction to Research in Law & Society
Scholarly Work
Honors and Awards
Azrieli International Postdoctoral Fellow at the Rackman Center for the Advancement of Women's Status, Bar Ilan University, Faculty of Law
SSHRC-Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council Doctoral Fellowship, Canada
Religion and Diversity SSHRC MCRI Doctoral Fellowship, Canada
President’s University-Wide Teaching Award, York University, Toronto
Dean’s Award for Teaching Excellence, York University, Toronto
OGS- Ontario Graduate Scholarship, Ontario
Research Summary
Studies the intersections of law, gender & relgion using critical legal pluralism.
More forthcoming.