Executive Master’s Program in Criminal Justice Inaugural Graduation
Executive Master’s Program in Criminal Justice Inaugural Graduation
President Karol V. Mason
President Karol V. Mason

On September 17th, the College held the inaugural graduation of the NYPD/John Jay Executive Leadership Master’s Degree Program in Criminal Justice. This program, a partnership with John Jay and the New York City

Police Department, was created to educate officers to meet the current and future challenges of policing in their communities.

“Given the importance of policing in American society, it’s imperative that we take the best policing has to offer—the men and women in front of me tonight—and continue to build and improve the leadership of the NYPD,” said President Karol V. Mason during the graduation ceremony.

Benjamin Tucker
Benjamin B. Tucker, First Deputy Police Commissioner

Benjamin B. Tucker, First Deputy Police Commissioner, first addressed the graduates. “As we listen to you talk about your dreams and tell your stories, we know that this program was well conceived. We have a vison for where we’re going. You having this education means that you are the future of this agency.” he said. Then Tucker addressed the many family members—children, parents, husbands, and wives—sitting in the room. “I went to school at night for 11 years, and my wife has still not forgiven me. So I know your sacrifice. Thank you for supporting them and hanging in there.”

James O`Neill
James P. O`Neill, Police Commissioner

Before presenting certificates and challenge coins, James P. O’Neill, Police Commissioner, commended the graduates. “I know what it is to go to school at night. I know what it is to go to school at midnight. And you all have full-time jobs, so you don’t have a lot of extra time,” said O’Neill. “To make the decision to do this was not easy. To make this commitment to yourself and to this city means you know what it means to be a cop in 2018. It’s an extremely complex job.”

Christel Lytwyn, the Police Liaison Director, called out each of the graduate’s names as Professor Peter Moskos, who was instrumental in seeing this first cohort successfully graduate, presented certificates with the Police Commissioner, First Deputy Commissioner, and President Mason.

“I’m happy to celebrate with everyone tonight, and I look forward to seeing a long line of future leaders from this program,” said President Mason, a sentiment shared by all.

Deputy Chief Judith Harrison
Class Spokesperson and Deputy Chief Judith Harrison
Peter Moskos
Professor Peter Moskos 
Christel Lytwyn
Christel Lytwyn, the Police Liaison Director
The first cohort of the NYPD/John Jay Executive Leadership Master’s Degree Program in Criminal Justice
The first cohort of the NYPD/John Jay Executive Leadership Master`s Degree Program in Criminal Justice