Renee Kosor
John Jay Professors Featured on New Command Post Podcast on Policing

The mission of the new podcast, The Command Post, is to help bring policing research into the real world where it can help first responders build safer and more trusting communities. It’s an area where a number of John Jay professors excel and that’s why five of them have already appeared on The Command Post, sharing their expertise.

“When I started the Command Post podcast, I went in search of relevant, timely research studies that very clearly challenged the status quo and resulted in solutions with the potential to improve the first-response profession,” said Renee Kosor, who founded the podcast in January of 2019. “An article that inspired me was published by Dr. Jon Shane, Associate Professor in Law, Police Science, and Criminal Justice Administration. Not only was he a natural on the show, he immediately followed up by introducing me to his colleagues who were also involved in relevant, actionable criminal justice research.”

Jon Shane
Jon Shane

“Participating in the Command Post podcast was an enriching experience because of the unique feedback from the field,” said Professor Shane. “It is the only law enforcement podcast that I know of where listeners can ask questions and have the guest respond. Renee has done a fabulous job bringing her zeal to a field that could use more innovation from the private-sector.”

The volume and importance of the questions and feedback to Professor Shane’s appearance prompted a follow up episode where listeners heard their answers. Professor Kosor emphasized that the flexibility of the podcast format is what makes this type of ongoing conversation possible; and what makes The Command Post an effective way to get information to first responders.

“After my time in the military, I dedicated my career to organizational psychology, but in response to the suicide of a shipmate of mine who was working as a police officer, I decided to shift my focus to first-responder wellness,” said Kosor. “By bringing researchers, clinicians, and first responders on the show, we can openly discuss what the research reveals and how best to apply it to the first-response profession. It's truly been a blessing to see the impact these conversations are having on law enforcement officers, firefighters, paramedics and EMTs, central dispatch staff, and researchers from all over the world.”

Since The Command Post began John Jay professors have discussed a variety of issues including:

The Command Post episodes are available on the web and through iTunes.

Kosor is also writing columns related to the podcast for John Jay’s Center on Media, Crime and Justice. The first one is available on their Crime Report website.