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National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives and John Jay College of Criminal Justice Partner to Create Safer, More Racially Just Communities

At this pivotal moment in our nation’s history, where thousands of peaceful protestors have taken to the streets to demand change in policing, the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives (NOBLE) and the John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York are partnering to create a new vision of 21st century public safety in America and define the role of police in creating safe communities.

“As the country continues to grapple with our painful legacy of racial injustice and inequality, we find ourselves facing a pivotal moment in history, a moment that demands change,” said Karol V. Mason, President of John Jay College of Criminal Justice. “In the pursuit to re-envision public safety, John Jay College is honored to partner with NOBLE, the country’s leading organization of Black law enforcement executives, in these critical conversations. To come closer to the ideals we hold dear, we have to welcome folks from different communities, perspectives, and ideologies to all take a seat at the table.”

In recent months, there has been widespread recognition among the American public that change around public safety is needed. This unique partnership will bring all perspectives to the table - law enforcement officers, leaders, advocates, community members, system-impacted individuals, survivors, young people, researchers, and public scholars - to learn from each other, increase understanding, and find consensus on how we can create safer, more racially just communities.

NOBLE, as the leading organization of Black law enforcement executives, and John Jay College, as the leader in educating law enforcement officers and social justice advocates, are uniquely positioned to convene this series of structured conversations focused on reimagining public safety in local communities.

“NOBLE is excited and honored to be working with John Jay College of Criminal Justice as we collectively work to improve the culture of policing that most often supersedes policy,” said Cerelyn Davis, National President of NOBLE. “I want to acknowledge and thank past National President Gregory A. Thomas for his work in conjunction with President Karol V. Mason and her team at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice to create this important partnership and monumental opportunity to achieve comprehensive systemic change within law enforcement.”

The series of conversations will take place via roundtables, panels, and open forums. Each session will be live-streamed for the public. The partnership will culminate with the release of a public report in November 2020 that will include substantive and innovative recommendations for communities to consider as they reimagine public safety. The report will serve as a roadmap for local communities to follow as they work toward creating policing practices that ensure equal justice for everyone.


About the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives
Since 1976, The National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives (NOBLE) has served as the conscience of law enforcement by being committed to justice by action. NOBLE represents over 3,000 members internationally, who are primarily African-American chief executive officers of law enforcement agencies at federal, state, county and municipal levels, other law enforcement administrators, and criminal justice practitioners. For more information, visit

About John Jay College of Criminal Justice:
An international leader in educating for justice, John Jay College of Criminal Justice of the City University of New York is a Hispanic Serving Institution and Minority Serving Institution offering a rich liberal arts and professional studies curriculum to 15,000 undergraduate and graduate students from more than 135 nations. John Jay is home to faculty and research centers at the forefront of advancing criminal and social justice reform. In teaching, scholarship and research, the College engages the theme of justice and explores fundamental human desires for fairness, equality and the rule of law. For more information, visit and follow us on Twitter @JohnJayCollege.