Students help pack meals for the hungry
The Office of Community Outreach Lends a Hand to End Hunger

Hound Square was filled with lively music and excited students as members of the Office of Community Outreach and Service Learning (COSL) came together to help end world hunger on September 12. The event was in partnership with the international hunger relief organization Rise Against Hunger. Volunteers at the event included COSL, CUNY Service Corps, and AmeriCorps students along with members from The Red Hook Community Justice Center in Brooklyn, New York. “In total, we packed 10,153 meals during community hour,” said Declan Walsh, Director of COSL. “Over the last few years we have packed close to 250,000 meals that have been sent to different parts of the developing world.”

Working together, students were able to pack over 10,000 meals during community hour.
Working together, students were able to pack over 10,000 meals during community hour.

The meals, explains Walsh, are part of an education program that helps ensure children in developing countries are both mentally and physically nourished. “The meal becomes an incentive for parents to send their child to school to collect the package. With the side benefit being that the child gets an education,” said Walsh, who added that John Jay students find great joy in volunteering. “Our students love helping communities, near and far. They love what they do, so they’re always ready to lend a helping hand.”

Students boxing up meals in partnership with Rise Against Hunger
Students boxing up meals in partnership with Rise Against Hunger

Students have also proven to be some of the greatest ambassadors for COSL and its mission of helping communities. “What we’ve learned is that by holding events in a public space like Hound Square, students who don’t know about the work our office does, are more likely to ask their peers what they’re doing and want to join in,” said Walsh. “Peer-to-peer engagement is among the best ways we recruit students. I’m proud of our students and the work they put in. They’re helping create tangible and meaningful change in the world.”  

More scenes from the event:

Members of COSL, CUNY Service Corps, AmeriCorps and the Red Hook Community Justice Center volunteered for the event
Members of COSL, CUNY Service Corps, AmeriCorps and the Red Hook Community Justice Center volunteered for the event
Students fills bags with rice
Students fill bags with rice
Director of COSL, Declan Walsh refills the rice supply
Director of COSL, Declan Walsh refills the rice supply
A closer look at the packaging process
A closer look at the packaging process
Completed bags waiting to be put in the shipping box
Completed bags waiting to be put in shipping boxes
The Rise Against Hunger meal-packing event took place in Hound Square
The Rise Against Hunger meal-packing event took place in Hound Square