Recruiters at a job fair
Photo: Naya Solomon
Opportunities Abound at Career & Internship Fair

The Spring 2023 Career and Internship Fair offered students and alumni the opportunity to connect with over 100 employers from across the country. At the event, hosted by the Center for Career & Professional Development, students met with representatives from the FBI, the New York City Mayor’s Office, Met Museum, New York City Parks Department, and many other government agencies, private companies, and nonprofit organizations. Attendees even had professional headshots taken for their LinkedIn pages and some applied for jobs on the spot. Here’s what some of our students and alumni took away from the experience.


Sunny Kwong

Sunny Kwong ’23
Fraud Examination and Financial Forensics

Certificate: Dispute Resolution
Hometown: Brooklyn, NY
Career Aspiration: High School Guidance Counselor

One of the most valuable experiences for me was meeting with Girl Vow, Inc. When I spoke with them, I learned about their mission statement, successes, and dedication to advocating for disadvantaged girls impacted by foster care, poverty, and the juvenile justice system. Speaking with them solidified my career decisions and my long-term goals of working as a guidance counselor for high schoolers transitioning to college. Being able to find opportunities, like Girl Vow, Inc., where I can work with students and provide them with an environment where they can learn to advocate for themselves and work toward their own success means the world to me.

Maryam Oguntola

Maryam Oguntola ’22
Law & Society

Certificate: Dispute Resolution
Hometown: Bronx, NY
Career Aspiration: Immigrant and Public Interest Lawyer

I see myself working in public service, at a nonprofit, or a civil rights organization servicing undocumented immigrants and other underserved groups. At the fair, I connected with representatives from organizations such as Safe Horizon, and the Brooklyn District Attorney’s Office. I spoke to them about my goal of becoming a lawyer, gave them my resume, and I even submitted a job application on the spot.


Tiffany Maura

Tiffany Maura ’24
Major: Sociology
Hometown: Bronx, NY
Career Aspiration: Nonprofit Professional

I came to the Career & Internship Fair seeking internship opportunities in the nonprofit sector that speaks to my passion for supporting youth. I was thrilled to meet with L.O.V.E. (Latinas on the Verge of Excellence), a mentoring program that supports the academic and life successes of Latinx youth. For any newcomers attending this fair in the future: Come with confidence, show recruiters your passion, and bring a copy of your resume with you.



Nayelle Pace

Nayelle Pace ’25
Forensic Psychology

Hometown: Bronx, NY
Career Aspiration: Forensic Psychologist

The Career & Internship Fair was an amazing way to network and strengthen my communication skills. I met with representatives from the Center for Human Development & Family Services, ATD Fourth World, and the District Attorney’s Office. Everyone I spoke with was extremely encouraging and explained how gaining work experience with their organization would be beneficial in my future work as a forensic psychologist.



Darin Ng

Darin Ng ’23
Fraud Examination and Financial Forensics

Hometown: Staten Island, NY
Career Aspiration: Certified Bank Auditor or FBI Forensic Accountant

The best part of attending the fair was meeting recruiters from government agencies, like the New York City Department of Investigation. The person representing the agency shared how important auditors are to the department’s work in combatting corruption in the city and walked me through the steps of applying for an internship. She answered every question I had and now I’m even more optimistic about my future career.



Gabrielle Taylor

Gabrielle Taylor ’25
Criminal Justice
Hometown: Black River, Jamaica

Career Aspiration: Lawyer

My goal at the Career & Internship Fair was to find a good internship to bolster my law school application and gain real world work experience. I appreciated the diverse group of recruiters. Everyone was so friendly and patient and provided a lot of information. Thanks to the fair, I was able to narrow down the kinds of internships that I’ll be applying to—legal internships or something related to the law. This was the first step in achieving my dreams of becoming a licensed lawyer working on Wall Street.


Mia Lumpkin

Mia Lumpkin ’23
Applied Mathematics with a Data Science Concentration

Hometown: Queens, NY
Career Aspiration: Engineer at Financial Technology Company

I was excited to network and get a grasp on the kind of careers available to people who have a degree in applied mathematics. It was great to hear that this degree can be used in more fields than I previously believed, and I loved speaking with industry professionals to learn what my day-to-day could look like in the future. I left the event feeling motivated and excited for the future.



Samara Fernandez

Samara Fernandez ’24
Forensic Science

Hometown: Brooklyn, NY
Career Aspiration: Forensic Science Technician

I came to the fair hoping to discover new internship, career, and research opportunities because I’m eager to get in the field and do hands-on work in forensic labs. The fair had so much to offer, and I appreciated the anecdotes professionals working in different law enforcement agencies shared when describing their work and experiences. Hearing what they had to say about their unique career journeys made my dreams of working in a New York City crime lab feel more achievable. 


Naya Solomon

Naya Solomon ’22

Hometown: Bronx, NY
Career Aspiration: Author and Illustrator

I attended the Career & Internship Fair to look for creative work opportunities. I was happy to learn that all companies seem to need writers. In every career path and every organization, there’s a team of writers crafting the perfect message and working their magic. I see coming to this event as a steppingstone to my long-term career goal of becoming a published author and recognized illustrator.