Dr. Daryl A. Wout, associate professor and chair of the Department of Psychology, received a grant from the National Science Foundation for Collaborative Research to support his work on the intricacies of cross-gender interracial interactions and the powerful dynamics between women of color and white men.
"As a researcher passionate about understanding the nuances of human interactions, I am truly honored to receive a grant from the National Science Foundation,” said Wout. “This funding opens the door to a journey of exploration into the dynamics of cross-gender interracial interactions, with a specific lens on the intersectionality of women of color and white men."
Wout’s recent scholarship includes co-authoring “Black + White = Prototypically Black: Visualizing Black and White People's Mental Representations of Black-White Biracial People” in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, “Standing on the Shoulders of a Giant: The Legacy of Robert M. Sellers” in American Psychologist and “Diversity or Representation? Sufficient Factors for Black Americans’ Identity Safety During Interracial Interactions” in Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology.
At John Jay, Wout teaches courses on research methods, social stigmas and social psychology. He was a post-doctoral fellow at Stanford University and holds a PhD from the University of Michigan and a BS from Oakwood University.