Marketing & Communications

The Marketing & Communications team advances John Jay's strategic goalsbuilds & protects its reputation. We do this by creating compelling content that highlights our strengths & shares our story via our website, social media channels, publications & more. We look forward to collaborating with you!


The editorial team promotes John Jay by telling its stories & elevating its mission & visibility. They produce Justice Matters, an annual magazine; John Jay News, a monthly e-newsletter; JMail, a weekly student-focused e-newsletter; and articles covering the accomplishments of faculty, students & alums that are regularly published on the website. Please contact Andrea Dawn Clark, editorial director, with questions.

Graphic Design

The graphic design team provides consistent visual content that creates a strong, recognizable brand [see branding guidelines] & helps bring John Jay’s identity to life. This includes ads, signage, website graphics, event promotion, social media graphics & logos. Find our job request form here. Please contact Laura DeVries, creative director, with questions.

Please note that we do not have a copyeditor and are unable to copyedit your text. To ensure accuracy, please use a free platform like Grammarly to check your text.

Media Relations/Find an Expert

For information or to reach a faculty expert, please contact Jan Benjamin, director of media relations. Find our faculty expert guide here.

Social Media

Our social media team manages John Jay's social channels & promotes our mission & the accomplishments of the our community. See our channels below & contact Gina Mingione, social media manager, with questions.

Instagram    Facebook     LinkedIn     YouTube

Video Production

The video production team produces & delivers professional videos aligned with John Jay's strategic priorities. Find our job request form here. Please contact Thomas Jaeger, director of video production, with questions.

Web Services

The web services team manages the public-facing John Jay website which includes updates, maintenance, SEO, analytics, etc. We can help with content strategy, organization & creation, web forms, ​​​​​​etc. Find our job request form here. Contact Anh Phan, web assistant, with questions or if something on the site needs to be fixed.

Content owners are responsible for editing/updating their content and for creating new content. We can assist as needed. Please note that we do not have a copyeditor and are unable to copyedit your text. To ensure accuracy, please use a free platform like Grammarly to check your text.

For website content management training and info, including training videos and a user guide, please click here. To find information on the new website project, including status reports and campus communications, please click here.

Team Members

Jan Benjamin, Director of Media Relations

Andrea Clark, Editorial Director 

Shirley Del Valle, Writer/Editor

Laura DeVries, Creative Director 

Katy Freeman, Graphic Designer

Thomas Jaeger, Director of Video Production

Shaniya Mejia, Social Media Assistant

Chunhui Meng, Web Developer 

Gina Mingione, Social Media Manager

Anastasia Parent, Graphic Designer

Anh Phan, Assistant Web Manager 

Kira Poplowski, Chief Communications Officer 

Praim Samsoondar, Communications Production Specialist

Justin Thomas, Video Producer

Vacant, Director of Web Services
Job Listing

Vacant, Video Producer

Contact us




601 Haaren Hall